Sunday, June 26, 2011

God's Love

Lately, I have been consumed by how much the Lord truly loves me and how he pursues me. It is crazy to even grasp an ounce of how much God seeks me each day and to think I understand, is unimaginable. I find myself thinking I understand but then fall in a state of aweness and of how much he truly does seek me! It blows my mind. God seeks me even when I turn from him and he picks me up out of the pit I am in. He calls me his beloved and he is enthralled by my beauty. The word enthralled means to captivate or charm. To think that God is captivated by the things I do and who I am, what I look like, and how I am living my life drives me crazy! I am still so sinful but just the fact that God, the creator of the universe, finds me so attractive and revealing is beautiful and unique and a love story all within itself.

The Psalms have been giving me so much comfort and revealing God’s beauty and my worth to him through the past month. His Word has revealed his strength and passion for me. My strength, courage, being, and praise comes from him. He is my guide, my father, my everlasting King and lover. As his Word says in Psalm 55, “But I call to God, and the Lord saves me. Evening, morning and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.” God hears my desperateness for him and he continues to guide me, pick me up, save me, and walk with me on the path he is lighting for my life. God fulfills my purpose (Psalm 57) and my soul finds rest in him (Psalm 62).

Another huge revelation from God has been the idea that when I cling to him, he will give me the desires of my heart (Psalm 37). When truly walking with the Lord and clinging to him for our everything, we become attached and intimate. He becomes not only our best friend but also our lover. I cannot help but deny walking in tune with the Holy Spirit is the answer to this reason. We become dependent on our Father who grants us all the strength, safety, and compassion we need in order to serve ourselves as well as others better. I am more in awe of who God is today than on the first day I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. God fulfills me and satisfies me better than any man ever will on this earth. He is my lover and I am his (Song of Songs 2:16).

My question for you: Are you seeking your God fully for your satisfaction, food, and everything? He should be your source of life…

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