Friday, April 19, 2013

We Forget Simple Things

In the midst of what happened in Boston this week, I think it is so easy to forget how quickly life can come and go. We never know what will happen or even what could happen. How many people ever thought or imagined a bombing would go off at the Boston Marathon, killing three and injuring over 100 innocent people?

After closely watching the news, reading news articles, following the twitter accounts of our country's leaders, and just thinking of everything that has happened, I realized how there are so many things I forget to just think of and thank God for. In college, I studied journalism and the news. You could say I am obsessed with writing and being creative with my writing. BUT, I also have a huge passion for getting accurate news out to the public when something is going on. I have the guilty pleasure of reading news articles and seeing what writers say and what they think. The thing I love most about writing is that you can be as creative as you want...something you cannot do with most talents and things in life. There is freedom and I find rest in writing.

However, while I am still very burdened over what happened in Boston on Monday afternoon, I am reminded that the worst event in history has been conquered and it is finished. Jesus dying on the cross. I believe this is the single most important event in history. While others will argue over that, I believe this is the worst but best human tragedy because death has been defeated and Jesus died for every single human ever to walk on planet earth or be born. Jesus reminds people in the Bible that we will face many many terrible events, trials, and tribulations BUT to take heart because he has overcome the world. One day there will no longer be any suffering or events like the one on Monday. I know this isn't comforting to hear but its hope. Hope that cannot be seen or even at times believed. I, like some, hold on to this hope because its a hope that is better than the reality of the world I live in.

In light of that, I wanted to share with you the blessings I completely didn't think of until I was in the park today hammocking. When life gets tough its often hard to remind yourself or even take the time to think of your blessings. While I am waiting and holding onto this hope that I mentioned in the previous paragraph, I like to remind myself of my blessings. These appear in NO particular order:

-my internship
-Carolyn encouraging me and loving me
-Brooka challenging me and struggling with similar things that I do
-Tracy being a mentor and friend
-Having the freedom to talk about God
-Teaching from the Bible
-Praying openly
-My financial and prayer supporters
-Letters from Richard and Sharon
-A voicemail from Aunt Terri
-Provision of a future job
-Enrolled in the top 10 school for Library Science in America
-I can speak and write proficiently
-A family who would do anything for me
-Watching Kyle pitch in his game
-A mom who calms me down and is my best friend
-A dad I aspire to be like
-Money to fly home
-A townhouse to live in and I love
-An iphone, ipad, and computer
-A car that works well!
-The grace and love Matt freely pours on me daily!
-A future with Matt
-Being in love with the man I want to spend the rest of my life with
-God's Word
-The hope I have in Christ
-Being a believer for 5 years and not walking away
-Jesus dying for me
-My sins are forgiven
-Sarah and Grace's love and servant hearts
-My Tuesday night bible study girls
-A heart for Boston
-Opened eyes to the reality of what has happened
-Social media I can be a light to
-A great, fun, caring boss--Tim
-Literacy and a passion to want to read and help others
-My roommates Tifanee and Lydia
-My ORBC bible study
-Food to eat
-Water to drink
-Clothes to wear
-Eyes to see
-A home that is safe and relaxing
-Parents who believe in me and that I can do anything I put my mind to
-Desire to change peoples lives
-The gift of encouragement
-A hammock night all night!

While this list may seem silly to some people it really speaks loudly. ALL of these blessings are JUST this week. One week out of my entire life. That means that every week of my life, there are more blessings than this. Some obviously don't leave but isn't that incredible? Isn't it incredible that we ALL, every one of us, has so much to be thankful for. We so often forget what we have and only long for what we don't have. As I am looking at this list, I am overwhelmed.

I am thankful this week. Thankful for the things I so often overlook and the people I know are such a big part of my life but don't always take the time to thank and love. I guess that saying it's the simple things in life that really matter is very true. I want to live in this mindset more often, especially since I live in such a scary, tragic, and momentary world. A world that is here for a little while and will be gone in the future.

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